


翻译,A "high risk" work

Writing、Phrase rich in multiple meanings and different cultural backgrounds,在交流中,They all have the information you are trying to convey critical impact。 同样地,将文字直接翻译成另一种语言时,原文包含的某些意思可能会丢失,Then there was also the risk。Original language to the target language translation,往往是将对应的词汇语句进行更替,The context、Cultural habits are easily overlooked。 Read More


IT is the abbreviation of information technology,Information Technology,指与信息相关的技术包含现代计算机网络通讯等信息领域的技术

Information society has arrived,Information technology has become the core of humanity,It allows people to share information,Explore creative,Eliminate the gap between the world,同时还能提高信息本身的效用说到消除全球间的隔阂语言翻译的重要性不言而喻作为一家全球性的翻译公司Rosetta Translation Company立足于专业化深入化高效化的发展原则,Establish a distinctive cultural connotations,在体验中拉近我与您的距离

IT翻译Is a highly professional and technical translation,专业术语自成一个完整的体系IT的内容涉及多种行业包括金融信息管理等因此IT译员一定要对此领域有深刻的认知和了解

High quality isRosetta Translation CompanyDivision always target,We translate expertise in the field of IT embodied in

Rosetta TranslationBrings together a lot of experience in the IT industry is quite translators,Every IT professional translators have a background,IT industry and IT experience in translation work experience,特别在程序语言及开发环境软件翻译等方面更可以称得上是精英

Rosetta TranslationInsisted that only high-quality selection of the target language as their mother tongue,Professional background,有相关行业服务经验的翻译人员与校对人员确保阅读翻译文件如同阅读源文件每位客户都由一位资深项目经理从接收原文件到递送翻译件全程服务与维护确保翻译保质保量按时完成

In addition,IT翻译Involved in high-tech,Some technologies are often crucial,涉及到商业机密甚至国家安全因此在翻译过程中,Rosetta Translation adhere to professional ethics,Respect for customer privacy,严守保密原则

