German translation (Provides)



翻译,A "high risk" work

Writing、Phrase rich in multiple meanings and different cultural backgrounds,在交流中,They all have the information you are trying to convey critical impact。 同样地,将文字直接翻译成另一种语言时,原文包含的某些意思可能会丢失,Then there was also the risk。Original language to the target language translation,往往是将对应的词汇语句进行更替,The context、Cultural habits are easily overlooked。 Read More

German translation


German translation of difficulty

German nouns have three sex,Six-person verb displacement,语法繁复翻译的复杂性与难度不言而喻

Business documents daily use,Company Profile,产品说明操作手册项目招投标市场调研报告财经分析,Patents and other important documents,更不能草草翻译

Why Rosetta

Rosetta TranslationThe company provides you with a professionalGerman translation服务。公司本着高质量高标准的准则,Won many customers trust and support,在业内也有一定的声望

Rosetta TranslationInGerman translationHas a wealth of experience,对German translation的质量控制也有着自己的一套每一次的项目都配有一位单独的项目经理从接受翻译原件到递交译文与后续维护工作每项翻译工作都坚持只选用母语为德语的译员来进行每位译员又在翻译方面拥有至少2年的经验初次翻译完毕后至少两次进行校对保质保量按时完成

